Thursday, September 09, 2004

gyaan words

when ur having a bad day n ppl r tryn 2 piss u off....remeber tat it takes 42 muscles 2 frown but it takes only 4 to extend ur middle-finger.....


dewdrop said...


jade said...

yea now tell me how smart n talented friend i got...well ur no less talentd eithr bubbles.. gr8 usage of anat knowledge way to go...gyaani..

A Chrysanthemum by any other name... said...

Yeah... and if you are having a REALLY bad day, 16 muscles is still 26 lesser!!

capri angel said...

hmmm....woho...u mean two fingers n two toes....woooow....marvellous....fundastic...

A Chrysanthemum by any other name... said...

No I mean four fingers of the same hand. This conveys a very graphic message and the the possibility of the recepient of this message messing around with you becomes drastically remote. Two fingers and two toes is really cute :) and the recepient is more likely to kiss rather than cuss you. Which is good if the recepient is cute too ;)

capri angel said...

hehe...tat sure is sweet...then maybe i shud try it :)